Mold Craft Standard Wide Range
$18.00 USD
1" x 9-1/2" Standard Wide Range. This lure caught an incredible 1,742 LB MARLIN as well as the 80 LB LINE CLASS WORLD RECORD BLUE MARLIN OF 1,189 LBS. The Standard Size Wide Range has several line class records and is a tuna killer! This lure can be trolled over a "Wide Range" of speeds from 4-14 knots (hence the name), and this lure is SUPER in rough water. The Wide Range is responsible for breaking Blue Marlin records in Venezuela, Puerto Rico and Africa. In Hawaii, it is one of the favorites of many boat captains. The larger heavier head gives the lure more stability at high speeds and rough water. The Wide Range lure is available in four sizes and all MOLD CRAFT colors. Please order your desired quantity and email your color options to sales@jmtackle.com.